The Original SteelHouse™ Modern Carriage Door:
Handsome Garage Door Designs Backed by Patented Functionality
By First United Door Technologies
Say goodbye to the ho-hum garage door. Say hello to artistic, customized, Original SteelHouse™ garage doors from First United Door Technologies. The quality, insulated, all-steel doors come in a variety of classic carriage house designs with more than 140 configurations.
In this era of individualism, yet cost-consciousness, municipalities, builders and homeowners are looking for ways to enhance curb appeal to beautify homes and neighborhoods without a large investment. Since garage doors are often a home’s most prominent feature, adding a distinctive carriage house style garage door can add a unique embellishment which equates to greater home value.
The SteelHouse™ garage doors are attractive and durable. Plus, they can be customized with various window designs, arched top sections, and decorative hardware to fit each home’s qualities. Builders appreciate First United Door Technologies’ garage doors for their exceptional quality and affordability. Steel doors are half the weight, half the cost, and require less than half the maintenance of wooden doors. The Original SteelHouse™
doors are made of 23-gauge, hot-dipped galvanized steel. Every door incorporates a reinforced integral truss system (RITS™), an additional angle built into each section’s tongue-in-groove meeting rail increases door strength and rigidity, preventing dimpling and buckling. First United Door Technologies adds PVC-backed insulation and bottom weather stripping to keep out the elements.