Home Burglary Prevention Tips

Most people only think about making their home secure after a burglary has occurred. According to crime reports compiled by the Federal Bureau of Investigation one out of every six homes will be burglarized this year. It has been stated that burglars only need 60 seconds to break into most homes. FBI statistics claim that only one out of every four burglaries involve forced entry. Most burglars enter homes through an open or unlocked window or door. By making it more difficult for intruders to get into your residence, you can greatly reduce your chances of being robbed. The more a burglar has to work to get into your home, the less chance you have of becoming his victim.
To determine how secure your home is, think like a robber. From the outside of your home, consider how difficult it would be to break in. If you locked yourself out, could you easily break in or climb in through an unlocked window? If you answered yes, then a burglar could answer yes also. Carefully observe any items or objects in your yard that could offer assistance to a would-be thief. Are there any items laying around your home that could actually entice a burglar? A ladder propped up beside your garage could offer easy access to a second floor window. A tool such as a screwdriver or hammer left outside could be used to break a window or pry open a window or door. A privacy fence or large trees and shrubs could provide cover for a burglar while he attempts to break in.
Here are a few other things to consider on the outside of your home.
Exterior Doors
Take a good look at your exterior doors. Do they appear solid and sturdy? Your exterior doors should be constructed of solid wood or metal for the most protection against break-ins. Try inserting a straight pin into the door, if it goes in without much effort, you have a hollow door that can easily be kicked in by burglars.
Make sure that all doors are kept locked at all times. In addition to your door knob or key lock, you should have a high quality dead bolt lock installed on all entry way doors. Deadbolts can withstand the prying and pounding that regular key locks can’t.
If you have glass windows on your doors or next to your doors, consider installing a double cylinder deadbolt. This type of deadbolt requires a key to open it from the outside and the inside.
Not all robberies occur in an unoccupied house, you may also consider a peephole so you can see who is at your door before you open it.
Windows should be closed and locked anytime that you are not in your home or anytime at night. Many burglars, and worse, have easily entered homes through open windows while the home’s occupants sleep.
Consider installing window locks on all windows to help prevent them from being broken into. If you have double-hung windows, ones that slide up and down, you can utilized window pinning or track fillers to add inexpensive security.
Window pinning is done by inserting a pin or nail above a window so it can’t be opened Track fillers are items such as a wooden pole that is placed into the track of the window.
Sliding Glass Doors
Sliding glass doors can be the easiest place for a burglar to gain entry into your home. Since these doors provide the easiest opportunities for thieves, special consideration and expense, if necessary, should be used to properly secure these doors. To improve the security on your sliding glass doors:
1. Have eyed locking devices that secure the doors to the frame or track installed by a professional locksmith.
2. Adjusting the door’s track clearances so they can’t be pushed or lifted out of their tracks.
3. Place a strong metal or wooden bar, such as a metal pipe or broomstick handle, inside the track to prevent the doors from being opened.
4. Install locking hinges that slide over the tracks to prevent the door from being forced open.
Some of the newer styles of sliding glass doors have built in locking systems. If your doors do not have these locks, you may want to consult with a professional about having them replaced with the more secure models.
Outdoor Lighting
Lighting, both inside and outside of your home, is one of the best and most economical deterrents for burglars. Indoor lighting gives the impression that a home is occupied while outdoor lighting diminishes places to hide.
You should have lights placed near porches, outside of all doorways, garage doors and all other points of entry. Keep any entryways well lit. Statistics have shown that a burglar is less likely to attempt to enter a well-lit residence.
Floodlights are good choices for providing bright light. Motion detecting lights are also good choices for home security. These lights turn on automatically whenever motion is detected nearby. The sudden flash of bright lights can be very effective in scaring away a would-be burglar.
For added security, place some lights out of reach so that the bulbs can’t be removed or easily broken. Install flood lights or motion lights on each corner of your house’s roof for added light and security. Aim the lights away from the house so that your yard is illuminated, allowing you to see anyone that approaches.
Burglar Alarms
Burglar Alarm Systems may offer an advantage to you if you live in an isolated area or if you that spend extended periods of time away from your home. Also, if you live in a high crime area or keep valuable items in your home, you may want to consider installing a security system.
There are a variety of burglar alarms and security systems available. To determine which level of security best suits your need, compare the services of several companies. If you have an alarm system installed in your home make sure all household members are properly trained at using it. A top notch security system is worthless if it isn’t used…or if it is used improperly.
Security When You’re Away From Home
Burglars have an opportune time to rob your house while you are away from home on business or vacation. Make sure your home looks as if someone is living in it at all times. If possible, ask a trusted friend, neighbor or family member to stay in your home while you are away. Otherwise, arrange for them to visit your house each day to pick up the mail, any newspapers, deliveries, and turn on lights.
If you will be away for a long period of time, consider using light timers that will automatically turn lights off and on at specific times. Have the post office and the newspapers stop your deliveries while you are away. A pile of old newspapers in the driveway are a sure sign that no one is home.
No method is 100 percent effective against burglaries, but with the steps described above, you can decrease your chances of being the next burglary victim. If you need additional information about home security, contact your local Neighborhood Watch Program, Sheriff’s Office or a local security service.
Written by Victoria Walker